C-Code Quest -100
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This training program is perfect for those looking to gain a thorough understanding of C programming, whether you are starting from scratch or aiming to sharpen your existing skills. Our course emphasizes practical learning and problem-solving, ensuring you gain both theoretical knowledge and hands-on experience.
Main Features
- Comprehensive Curriculum: Detailed and wide-ranging problems covering arrays, strings, pointers, memory management, file handling, mathematical computations, and more.
- Hands-On Practice: Practical problem-solving sessions with real coding exercises to reinforce each concept.
- Step-by-Step Guidance: Clear instructions and structured activities that guide learners from basic to advanced topics.
- Focus on Problem Solving: Emphasis on applying learned concepts to solve diverse and challenging coding problems.
- Interactive Learning: Use of modern IDEs and tools to create an engaging learning environment.
- Debugging and Testing: Training on debugging and testing techniques to develop robust and error-free programs.
- Real-Time Support: Access to mentors and community support for assistance and deeper understanding.
- Flexible Learning Pace: Complete the course at your own pace, accommodating your schedule and learning style.
Target Audience
- Beginners in Programming: Individuals with no prior programming experience who want to start their journey with C.
- Students: High school or college students who need to learn C for their academic courses or projects.
- Career Changers: Professionals from non-technical fields looking to transition into software development.
- Aspiring Developers: Individuals aiming to build a solid foundation in C for careers in software development or related fields.
- Hobbyists: Enthusiasts interested in learning C for personal projects or to enhance their technical knowledge.
- Tech Professionals: IT professionals seeking to add C programming to their skill set for career growth or job requirements.
Join C Code Quest and take the first step towards becoming a skilled C programmer, capable of tackling any coding challenge with confidence and proficiency.
Two Sum (LeetCode #1)
Best Time to Buy and Sell Stock (LeetCode #121)
Contains Duplicate (LeetCode #217)
Product of Array Except Self (LeetCode #238)
Maximum Subarray (LeetCode #53)
Move Zeroes (LeetCode #283)
Rotate Array (LeetCode #189)
Plus One (LeetCode #66)
Merge Sorted Array (LeetCode #88)
Find All Numbers Disappeared in an Array (LeetCode #448)
Third Maximum Number (LeetCode #414)
Array Manipulation (HackerRank)
2D Array - DS (HackerRank)
Left Rotation (HackerRank)
Sparse Arrays (HackerRank)
Array Reversal (HackerRank)
Dynamic Array (HackerRank)
Ice Cream Parlor (HackerRank)
Birthday Chocolate (HackerRank)
Divisible Sum Pairs (HackerRank)
Remove Duplicates from Sorted Array (LeetCode #26)
Find the Duplicate Number (LeetCode #287)
Kth Largest Element in an Array (LeetCode #215)
Find Pivot Index (LeetCode #724)
Valid Anagram (LeetCode #242)
Longest Palindromic Substring (LeetCode #5)
Palindrome Number (LeetCode #9)
Implement strStr() (LeetCode #28)
String to Integer (atoi) (LeetCode #8)
Count and Say (LeetCode #38)
Longest Common Prefix (LeetCode #14)
Reverse String (LeetCode #344)
Reverse Words in a String (LeetCode #151)
First Unique Character in a String (LeetCode #387)
Valid Parentheses (LeetCode #20)
Add Binary (LeetCode #67)
Longest Substring Without Repeating Characters (LeetCode #3)
Check If a String Is a Valid Sequence from Root to Leaves Path in a Binary Tree (LeetCode #1430)
Group Anagrams (LeetCode #49)
String Matching in an Array (LeetCode #1408)
Alternating Characters (HackerRank)
Sherlock and the Valid String (HackerRank)
Special String Again (HackerRank)
Common Child (HackerRank)
String Compression (LeetCode #443)
String to Integer (atoi) (LeetCode #8)
Valid Palindrome (LeetCode #125)
Implement strstr() (LeetCode #28)
3Pointers and Memory Management
Pointer Basics (HackerRank)
Pointer Arithmetic (Custom Problem)
Dynamic Memory Allocation (Custom Problem)
Sum of Array Elements using Pointers (Custom Problem)
Pointer to Pointer (Custom Problem)
Malloc and Free (Custom Problem)
Calloc vs Malloc (Custom Problem)
Pointer and Arrays (Custom Problem)
Pointer Swapping (Custom Problem)
Pointer Array (Custom Problem)
Memory Leak Detection (Custom Problem)
Pointer Function Arguments (Custom Problem)
4Input/Output and File Handling
Basic Input and Output (HackerRank)
Sum and Difference of Two Numbers (HackerRank)
Print Reverse of a Number (Custom Problem)
5File Handling in C (Custom Problem)
Reading and Writing to Files (Custom Problem)
Count Characters in a File (Custom Problem)
Copy One File to Another (Custom Problem)
End of File (EOF) Handling (Custom Problem)
6Mathematical Computations
Roman to Integer (LeetCode #13)
Integer to Roman (LeetCode #12)
Factorial Trailing Zeroes (LeetCode #172)
Happy Number (LeetCode #202)
Excel Sheet Column Number (LeetCode #171)
Ugly Number (LeetCode #263)
Perfect Number (LeetCode #507)
Palindrome Number (LeetCode #9)
Power of Two (LeetCode #231)
Count Primes (LeetCode #204)
Fizz Buzz (LeetCode #412)
Add Digits (LeetCode #258)
Single Number (LeetCode #136)
Missing Number (LeetCode #268)
Repeated Substring Pattern (LeetCode #459)
Valid Perfect Square (LeetCode #367)
Arranging Coins (LeetCode #441)
Find the Difference (LeetCode #389)
Island Perimeter (LeetCode #463)
Guess Number Higher or Lower (LeetCode #374)
Sqrt(x) (LeetCode #69)
Power(x, n) (LeetCode #50)
Binary Representation of a Number (Custom Problem)
Convert Integer to Binary String (Custom Problem)
Swapping Two Numbers (Custom Problem)
Leap Year (Custom Problem)
Armstrong Number (Custom Problem)
Sum of Digits (Custom Problem)
LCM and GCD (Custom Problem)
Prime Number Check (Custom Problem)
Print Prime Numbers (Custom Problem)
Fibonacci Series (Custom Problem)