Competitive Programming
- Description
- Curriculum
- Reviews
This course offers a detailed and structured approach to mastering competitive programming. Over the span of nine weeks, it covers essential topics, advanced techniques, and various problem-solving paradigms, making it an ideal choice for anyone aiming to excel in programming contests and enhance their algorithmic skills.
Main Features:
Comprehensive Curriculum:
- The course covers a wide range of topics essential for competitive programming, including basic problem-solving techniques, fundamental data structures, advanced algorithms, and specialized problem-solving paradigms.
Structured Learning Path:
- The program is organized over nine weeks, each focusing on specific areas to build progressively from basic concepts to advanced techniques. This structure ensures a logical and steady learning progression.
Balanced Theory and Practice:
- Each day’s schedule includes theoretical lessons followed by practical exercises. This approach ensures learners can apply what they’ve learned immediately, reinforcing their understanding through hands-on practice.
Diverse Algorithm and Data Structure Techniques:
- Learners explore a variety of algorithms and data structures, such as sorting and searching algorithms, dynamic programming, graph theory, string algorithms, and more, preparing them for a broad spectrum of problems.
Focus on Problem-Solving Paradigms:
- The course dedicates time to different problem-solving paradigms like brute force, greedy methods, dynamic programming, backtracking, and others, which are crucial for tackling various competitive programming challenges.
Advanced Topics and Techniques:
- In the later weeks, the course introduces advanced topics like persistent data structures, heavy-light decomposition, and multi-paradigm problem solving, pushing learners’ understanding to a competitive level.
Regular Practice and Review:
- The program includes frequent practice problems and review sessions, helping learners consolidate their knowledge, identify areas for improvement, and gain confidence in their problem-solving abilities.
Special Emphasis on Dynamic Programming and Graph Theory:
- Given the importance of these topics in competitive programming, the course provides extensive coverage, including various algorithms and their practical applications.
Target Audience:
Aspiring Competitive Programmers:
- Individuals aiming to participate in contests such as ACM-ICPC, Google Code Jam, and Codeforces will find this course invaluable for developing the necessary skills and strategies.
Computer Science Students:
- Students looking to deepen their understanding of algorithms and data structures can use this course to complement their academic studies and gain practical problem-solving experience.
Software Developers and Engineers:
- Professionals seeking to enhance their algorithmic thinking and problem-solving skills, which are essential for technical interviews and software development, will benefit from this course.
- Enthusiastic self-taught programmers who have a basic understanding of programming and want to advance their skills will find the structured and comprehensive content suitable for independent learning.
Teachers and Educators:
- Educators can use this course as a resource to structure their own curriculum or to gain deeper insights into competitive programming techniques, enhancing their teaching methodology.
The Competitive Programming course is meticulously designed to provide a rigorous and immersive learning experience. With its comprehensive curriculum, structured learning path, and balanced focus on theory and practice, it equips learners with the skills needed to excel in competitive programming contests and enhances their overall problem-solving and algorithmic thinking abilities. This course is an ideal choice for anyone aiming to master the art of competitive programming.
1Introduction and Basics
Day 1 (3 hours)
Understanding Problem Statements (1 hour)
Input and Output (I/O) Handling (1 hour)
Basic Complexity Analysis (1 hour)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Arrays and Strings (1.5 hours)
Linked Lists (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Number Theory: Prime Numbers, GCD, LCM (1.5 hours)
Modular Arithmetic, Sieve of Eratosthenes (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Permutations and Combinations (1.5 hours)
Binomial Coefficients (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Basic Geometry (Lines, Circles, Polygons) (1.5 hours)
Convex Hull, Line Intersection (1.5 hours)
2Data Structures
Day 1 (3 hours)
Stacks (1.5 hours)
Queues (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Binary Trees (1.5 hours)
Binary Search Trees (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Segment Trees (1.5 hours)
Fenwick Trees (Binary Indexed Trees) (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Heaps (1.5 hours)
Hashing (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Graph Representations (Adjacency Matrix and List) (1.5 hours)
Depth-First Search (DFS) (1.5 hours)
3Graph Theory
Day 1 (3 hours)
Breadth-First Search (BFS) (1.5 hours)
Dijkstra’s Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Floyd-Warshall Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Bellman-Ford Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Minimum Spanning Trees (Kruskal's Algorithm) (1.5 hours)
Prim's Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Network Flow: Ford-Fulkerson Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Network Flow: Edmonds-Karp Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Topological Sorting (1.5 hours)
Strongly Connected Components (Kosaraju’s Algorithm) (1.5 hours)
4Sorting and Searching Algorithms
Day 1 (3 hours)
Quick Sort (1.5 hours)
Merge Sort (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Binary Search (1.5 hours)
Advanced Searching Techniques (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Sorting Algorithms: Bubble, Insertion, Selection (1.5 hours)
Heap Sort (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Counting Sort (1.5 hours)
Radix Sort (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Bucket Sort (1.5 hours)
Summary and Practice (1.5 hours)
5Dynamic Programming
Day 1 (3 hours)
Introduction to Dynamic Programming (1.5 hours)
0/1 Knapsack Problem (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Longest Increasing Subsequence (1.5 hours)
Matrix Chain Multiplication (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Coin Change Problem (1.5 hours)
Edit Distance (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Longest Common Subsequence (1.5 hours)
Subset Sum Problem (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Practice Problems (3 hours)
6Greedy Algorithms and Backtracking
Day 1 (3 hours)
Greedy Method: Introduction and Activity Selection (1.5 hours)
Huffman Coding (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Fractional Knapsack (1.5 hours)
Job Sequencing (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Introduction to Backtracking (1.5 hours)
N-Queens Problem (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Sudoku Solver (1.5 hours)
Subset Sum Problem (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Practice Problems (3 hours)
7String Algorithms
Day 1 (3 hours)
String Matching: Knuth-Morris-Pratt (1.5 hours)
Rabin-Karp (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Trie Data Structure (1.5 hours)
Suffix Arrays (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Suffix Trees (1.5 hours)
Z-Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Manacher's Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Practice Problems (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Summary and Review (3 hours)
8Advanced Data Structures and Algorithms
Day 1 (3 hours)
Advanced Segment Trees (1.5 hours)
Persistent Segment Trees (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Fenwick Trees (1.5 hours)
Disjoint Set Union (Union-Find) (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Heavy-Light Decomposition (1.5 hours)
Mo’s Algorithm (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Persistent Data Structures (1.5 hours)
Practice Problems (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Review and Summary (3 hours)
9Problem Solving Paradigms
Day 1 (3 hours)
Brute Force (1.5 hours)
Greedy Method (1.5 hours)
Day 2 (3 hours)
Dynamic Programming (1.5 hours)
Divide and Conquer (1.5 hours)
Day 3 (3 hours)
Backtracking (1.5 hours)
Practice Problems (1.5 hours)
Day 4 (3 hours)
Multi-Paradigm Problems (1.5 hours)
Review and Practice (1.5 hours)
Day 5 (3 hours)
Summary and Review (3 hours)